My Hillwalking Diary

Since I climbed my first Munro in September 2010 I have been bitten by the hillwalking bug (and also quite a few midgies!).I have decided to record all my walks in this blog so I can record my progress .

Saturday 16 October 2010

The Whangie 180m

We chose to take the difficult route uphill here. This was a steep ascent with lots of scrambling and uneven terrain.Near the summit it was VERY boggy.. We made the mistake of following the wrong well trodden path and were nearly at the bottom when we realised that we must be on the wrong track. We had crossed over the summit instead of veering to the right after the trig point. We reached the summit for the 2nd time and had a coffee break before ascending, first passing the wee whangie then through the whangie. it was very atmospheric and quite an extraordinary feature to come across.

Lilies and Lakes above Ambleside 175m 575ft

Another beautiful day and in my opinion the most stunning scenery i have seen on a walk so far.

Brant Fell 160m 525ft

This was quite a steep ascent which took us above Bowness on Windermere, we didnt have to climb very far before we had some great views. The weather was fantastic.

Aira Falls 140m 460ft

We had a family holiday to the Lake District and we introduced the kids to hillwalking! Daniel said he enjoyed it more than he thought he would. They did very well.
Aira Falls was a wee magical walk with a lovely waterfall, we even saw a rainbow through it.

Ben Lomond 1000m 3300ft

September 2010
Sharon,James Paul, Corie and I set off from the bottom of Ben Lomond in Rowardennan at around 9.30 am. Sharon and I were surprised at how steep the initial ascent was, and also the terrain was quite rocky underfoot. However we kept going and just made the most of our breaks to catch our breath. We reached the top at 1pm, and had our lunch just off the summit. It was wild and windy at the top, and we were in the thick of the clouds. The weather throughout the day was wet and blustery and we didnt have a view at the top. However on the way down, the clouds cleared and the view opened up before our eyes. It was stunning to see and well worth the hard work. We had to concentrate on our footing on the way down but we were back at the car park at around 4.30pm. We enjoyed a well deserved bottle of wine in the Rowardennan Hotel. It was a great day out and the sense of achievement I felt made it worth it and made me want to do more. Legs were sore for next 2 days then back to normal..

A walk along the Antonine Wall 105m 344ft

Sharon and I did this walk in July, it was quite a short walk, but had a steep ascent and very steep descent. An interesting feature was the Antonine Wall.

Ooops! Wrong Pic

Think all the fresh air is going to my head! I do remember when Scott had a head of hair similar to that picture though! Hee hee. This is my hillwalking buddy Scott... My hero, and the wind beneath my wings...

This is my hillwalking buddy Scott!

This is me!